Hello, I’m Bachrul Uluum, an active student and a freelance web developer with main focus on Laravel framework. I am very interested in the world of web development and happy to share my knowledge and experience through this blog.
Currently, I am pursuing a degree in Information Technology at Lambung Mangkurat University. As a student, I am constantly learning and developing my skills in web development. My education provides a strong foundation, but real-world experience is the most valuable in honing my technical skills.
Besides being a student, I am also a freelance web developer who focuses on using the Laravel framework. I was attracted to Laravel because it is one of the most common and reliable frameworks for building robust and scalable web applications. I really enjoy the challenge of developing complex web projects and interacting with the latest technologies.
I also have a special interest in Ubuntu Linux and macOS operating systems. These systems provide tremendous flexibility and power for web developers like me. I love sharing tips, tricks, and guides on how to maximize the use of these two operating systems in web development.
I created this blog to share my experiences in the field of technology, as well as to provide tutorials that can help readers understand and master various aspects of web development. I believe that sharing knowledge is the best way to move the web development community forward, and I hope this blog can be a source of inspiration and learning for all of you.
Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you find useful information here. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. Let’s explore the world of web development and technology together!